Friday, January 27, 2012

Green House Gases

This week in school we have been working on a really cool project.We got to chose what we wanted to do.Our teacher gave us some really cool ideas.One of them was to put over one jar aluminium and pone a small whole just so a straw can go in and so we can mix up oxygen and carbon dioxide,in the other jar we would have just oxygen and over it aluminium.Ofcorse we would put thermometers in both of them and see what would happen.There was a similar idea for plastic bags.My partner and i wanted to to something with jars,but not the idea that miss M.gave us.We took two jars,in the first one we pored water about half a jar,put a termometer, and tin foil over it so that no air can escape.The other jar was filed with normal air and on top of it was,also tin foil.After only 10minutes the first jar(with water) started to for.
Temperature started with jar 1(with water):20
Temperature started with jar 2(with normal air):20
After 30 minutes we have come to the result that only the jar with water changed the temperature and the jar with the normal air didn't.

Temperature started with jar number 1(with water):28
Temperature started with jar number 2(with normal air):20

We did this project to see if the green house effect worked in two jar one with water and the other one with normal air but both of them covered with tin foil.

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