Monday, May 28, 2012

It Took Earth Ten Million Years to Recover from Greatest Mass Extinction

Life was almost wiped out 250 million years ago.Only 10% of plant and animals survived.The recovery from the crisis lasted about 10 million years.There are 2 reasons for the delay of the sheer intensity of the crisis, and countering grim conditions on earth after the first wave of extinction.The Permian crisist was the most damaging crisis for earth.It was triggered by a number of physical environment shocks(global warning,acid rains.ocean acid diffication and ocean anoxia).There was enough to kill 90% of living thing on land and in the sea.It must be really hard to imagine how much life could been killed.Rocks found in China and all over the world prove that this was the biggest crisis ever faced by life.Current research shows that the grim conditions counted in bursts for sune 5-6 million years after the initial crisis, repeated carbon and oxygen crisis,warming and other effects.Some groups of animals on land or sea did recover.They quickly started recovering and rebuilding their ecosystem,but they did suffer further setbacks.Life for them didn't recover in these early phases because permanent ecosystems weren't established yet.As life was getting back to normal than an other crisis hi and the it back,again.The carbon crisis hit many times.Then finally conditions became normal again after 5 million years,more or less.After that more complex ecosystems emerged.Those creatures formed as the basis of future modern style ecosystems.The crisis' that happened of corse weren't good.But the thins that were happening then seem to be happening to us today.We could learn something from what happened and try to prevent it.So that the same thing doesn't happen today for us.

"It Took Earth Ten Million Years to Recover from Greatest Mass Extinction." Science Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 May 2012. <>.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Where are waves the highest and the lowest? 
I thing the highest waves happen in the Pacific Ocean,because its the biggest ocean.
 What do you think makes them so high?
  Make sure that you note the date you accessed the link.  What types of buoys were they?  What atmospheric pressure or wind speed was at that location?  What causes waves to become so high or low?  Why might these buoys be helpful to meteorologists, cities on the coast (seaside), boatsmen, you...?  

Making Waves Lab

In class we made waves on the laptop and in real life.Making waves on the laptop made me understand better what happens with the waves when the frequency and the amplitude increases.When making waves on the laptop you could rotate the screen and see whats happening on the side which was really helpful and also something i couldn't do when i made it in reality.

We did all sorts of activities with waves.
First we did observations with crock.We had to make drops from the pipe in the middle,corner;with two pipes in the middle,corner,one end;with paper towels,one stick of clay in the center,clay in a different position,two stick of clay end to end,different position, and two and a half stick of clay.
Second, we did the same things but with cork.

The good thins about the reality lab we did is that you could see better from a birds eye view.You could see how almost every time the waves bounced back from the plastic.

When you have more amplitude the drop is heavier so it makes more waves.i thing when you have more frequency that the drop is a little lighter and it doesn't make really high waves but they last longer.