Tuesday, February 21, 2012


1.When its winter in the Northern Hemisphere,which areas on Earth get the most concentrated light?Which areas get the most consecrated light when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere?
2.Compare your observation of how the light hits the area halfway between the equator and the North pole during winter and during summer.
3.if the squares project on the ball from the acetate become larger,what can you infer about the amount of heat distributed in each square?

Seasons Observation

Observation:                                    What causes the seasons?

My partner and i did this project in class where wer observing the seasons.How do we get different seasons?
We got a poam ball,a tooth pick,stickl,flashlight  and a grid.We put the stick into the foam ball drove the equator and put it on the toutractor for 23.5 degrese.After we took the flash light and wile pointing it to the Earth we put the grid lines infround.

We realized that the North and South pol are always cold because the Suns raze almost never touches it so because it has no sun its always cold
When the sun is on the Northern heme sphere its summer there while on the southern heme sphere its winter.When on the Southern heme sphere is summer on the northern heme sphere  its winter.

Grid lines
in the equator the boxes are more like boxes but at the poles they are rectangles. That means that the poles get less sun light.

tooth pick shadow
summer-in summer the shadow is bigger because the north pole gets more light from the sun
winter- the shadow is very short because the bottom axis is gettting all of teh light
rotation-moves like a clock